Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh, No, She Didn't

Hillary Clinton told Texas Monthly Editor Evan Smith today that she would keep pressing to have the Michigan and Florida delegates seated at the Democratic Convention. (Hat Tip: Patrick Appel, one of Andrew Sullivan's awesome guest bloggers.)

I guess all that talk about her closing statement at last night's debate being valedictory was a little premature.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jenny, Jenny, Jenny,

Republicans just call that "winning." But being Dems we call that "cheating." Still the DNC really let down the FLA voters who begged them intercede because it was the Republicans pushing to move the primary. So if they don't let them re-vote, I have some sympathy toward the disenfranchisement argument, even if it is being employed for political gain.

As to Hillary's speech, it did sound like a concession or a bid for the VP spot, though that's not happening. But I also believe her about her motives for public service. And thought, she not this total Bitch a lot of people like to think she is.

Alison Fairfield

htownjenny said...

First: I believe her about her motives for public service, too.

But second: If the Clinton campaign did not like the primary rules they should have protested them before voting began. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Clinton supporters may or may not be aware that the public perception of them is that they will do whatever they have to to win, and this Michigan and Florida strategy confirms their (our?) worst suspicions. This diminishes their reputation as public servants.

Anonymous said...

We, non-Democrats, would LOVE to see the Dem party fight for months over Michigan and Florida would be AWESOME!