Tuesday, March 11, 2008

As it relates to Ben Stein: No Intelligence Allowed

This dovetails into my fascination around the whole politicization of science over the past 20 years or so

(see Global Warming - please see my previous Man-Bear-Pig posts).

For many on the left, science is religion.

Also for many on the left, politics is a religion.

Combine the two and you have a combustible mix.

What is funny is that there remain huge, unanswered questions on both of these fronts.

1 comment:

Maker's Mark said...

Your argument does nothing to disprove global warming. I can say that for many on the right religion is science (dinosaurs walked the earth with man! carbon-dating is bogus because it disagrees with the bible!) and I can say for many on the right, religion is politics (abortion as litmus test, president must be a Christian,etc.), but that doesn't meant those people somehow discredit the bible when they are wrong or they take things to far. The bible is still true.

Likewise, global warming can still be true even though there a zealots on the left.