In tribute to the busted governor from New York, aka "Client #9", I post this picture of Vampira, from Ed Wood's Plane 9 from Outer Space, because what he did makes about as much sense as an Ed Wood movie plot. Let's see, you are the governor of the most powerful state in the nation, you have a beautiful wife of 20 years and 3 kids, you used to be the DA and you personally busted up 2 prostitute rings, you are a rising star in American politics....let's see what should you add to your resume....how about 3 thousand dollar an hour John! Yes! That's it!
Sorry for making everything about Barack, but this is why I support the guy. Sure, he may have some minor skeletons in his closet, but after writing a book and admitting he's done some pot and "a little blow," I think he's already aired his dirty laundry.
I've met his wife personally, so I feel pretty confident that he doesn't cheat on her. She would snap his neck and then stand over his lifeless body while doing head wags and finger snaps. Barack Obama wants to be president, and he wants to live.
Hillary, on the other hand, is well, Hillary. I've said enough on this blog about her character.
John McCain is a hero, but he as had a few scandals (Keating 5 anyone?). And the way he kicked his wheelchair-bound wife to the curb for a hot young Cindy McCain... that's not so great, though I am willing to overlook it because he was tortured for 5 years while serving me and my country.
But it's just so refreshing to feel, in my gut, that I pretty much know what I get with Barack Obama. He's not perfect. He's flawed, and he is the first to admit it. But he's not a total freak. He's just a normal guy who really wants to be president.
1 comment:
My husband Steve begs to differ, having recently wrote to a Republican friend:
My thinking on politics is focused on policy, not personalities. Scripture judges rulers not principally on their personal lives, but on how their rule affects the poor and powerless.
If I were to select among the current three likely candidates based on their personal life, the one candidate I could not support would be the one who abandoned his wife and children, thus failing a fundamental scriptural qualification for leadership.
Admittedly, the Clinton years were full of painful personal drama, but they also produced budget surpluses, a productive economy, low interest rates, welfare reform, smaller government, and successful foreign policy (e.g. stabilizing the Mexican and Asian financial meltdowns plus a successful military intervention in Kosovo). (Editor's note: Reagan spoke about it, Clinton did it.)
I'd also like to add: when you think about it, there were some OT heros who had sexual scandal, foremost being David who was also a murderer, go figure. Obviously, it sickens me when men literally screw up because it reeks of egomania.
That Obama doesn't have that issue, and I'll accept Mark's view of why this is true, is a good thing. But I am more concerned about his willingness to be fiscally responsible as the economy tanks and whether he really gasps foreign affairs, next problem up: Columbia.
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