After self-imposed exile I have chosen to return at the appointed time, March 4th, knockout punch day. Well, hopefully knockout day.
My topic for today is again my incredible disappointment in our country's conservatives. I feel myself drifting further and further away from the conservative base and the GOP, and it has very little to do with what are traditional conservative principles. It has everything to do with the behavior and attitudes of contemporary conservatives. I just don't want to associate with them. I am in fact deeply ashamed to have once been part if their movement.
Suspect #1:
Rush Limbaugh. This is his mugshot, by the way, when he was arrested on drug charges.

Rush Limbaugh is calling on his loyal listeners to vote for Hillary Clinton:
"It will sustain this soap opera, and it's something I think we need and it'll be fun, too."
Wow. Democracy is a soap opera? It's a fun game? What happened to all those deeply held beliefs, all that screaming about abortion and gun rights and taxes and the constitution? Conservatives can walk into a voting booth and contradict everything they stand for and vote for the person they most despise, just to cynically cause mischief and play? Does their vote mean so little to them, that they can throw it away, because it's "fun"? Because it's good strategy? Mike Huckabee is out there, asking for your vote, fighting for the unborn, fighting against illegal immigration, fighting for all those things you claim to hold so dear, and you leave him hanging out to dry because you'd rather play games?
This is what has become of conservatives. They have traded in the legacy of William Buckley and Ronald Reagan, principled, steadfast men who believed in a cause that was greater than themselves, for Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, who believe in nothing but their own greatness, and in their own capacity to provide entertainment. Can you imagine either of those great men pulling the lever for Hillary? No.
Maybe one day this independent will be back in the conservative fold. But that day won't come until the rotten, dead heart of it has been cut out. Until then I will look to a man of principle and conviction who can unite this country and, like Reagan, help us be proud of ourselves again, instead of small, selfish, and mean. That man is Barack Obama. I pray and hope he wins the day.
I voted for Hillary today...I think Walker, My Mom and Dad did too. A lot of conservatives went to pull the lever for Hillary.
Not because we want to watch a "soap opera" but because Hillary is by far the lesser of two evils.
Obama has no experience. Is all talk. Skipped 40% of his senate votes and is horribly liberal. Hillary at least accomplished some things.
I believe that what you are saying is false. I wish you would back it up. What "things" has she "accomplished' that you approve of?
As for conservatives believing she is more desirable than Obama, are you too young to remember the first Clinton administration, perhaps? I bet your brother and parents do.
Walker, does your brother's statement apply to you too? You like her better as a candidate and possible president? Those who know me know that I strive to be as fair minded as possible.
But here's how this looks to me:conservatives want to destroy the democratic party to further their own hold on power. Which means they care more about power than they do the good of the country.
Not impressive.
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