In your famous post predicting the outcomes of March 4th, you were right about everything but one crucial contest: the great state of Texas. On Tuesday and Wednesday I was depressed because I thought we had failed Obama. We lost the primary by 3 points (not 6, as Walker predicted.) But that was only half the battle. The caucus results are in and we now know that Barack Obama actually WON Texas, by about 5 delegates. We still have the upper hand on the monster.

So, Mark, what is your prediction. Does the battle go all the way to the Convention or do the dem-powers-that-be somehow stop the campaigning madness, say after Hillary wins PA?
Alison Fairfield
It is difficult to say, great evil clouds the future....
I think Obama will win Miss. and Wyoming. He will keep it close in PA, but lose by a little bit. Obama will still be well ahead in elected delegates. At that point, it will take too much money and time for the DNC to stage new primaries in Michigan and Fl. Enough superdelegates will realize this and they will continue to turn to Obama. The writing will be on the wall and Clinton will bow out.
Or let me put it this way. Either it goes down look this or the Democratic party self-destructs. It may come to that. But there is no way Hillary wins this without destroying the party. She is willing to do it of course. The question is, will the party be willing to let her?
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