Well, crossover Republicans, it looks like you might have had a decisive impact in a very tight race. Congratulations.
Those of us Democrats who were let out to play in the sun for awhile now have to go back into our hidey holes and contemplate the nature of the coalition that still may beat us out for the nomination. What is coming in the next few months is not going to be pretty.
"Though it is increasingly unlikely, Clinton may still have a path to the nomination -- and what a path it is. She merely has to puncture the balloon of Democratic idealism; sully the character of a good man; feed racial tensions within her party; then eke out a win with the support of unelected superdelegates and appeals, thwarting the hopes of millions of new voters who would see an inspiring young man defeated by backroom arm-twisting and arcane party rules."
Great picture, btw.
I am hearing talk, from Clinton, of a unity ticket. Gad...would he stoop to her level???
Jenny, it will all be alright. The Republic will stand. Cheer up! The Soveriegn Lord, who isn't a Democrat or a Republican, from what I can tell, is ever in control!!!!
Yes, a little perspective is a good thing.
As for the so-called unity ticket, it is possible he would take it as he is very ambitious and it might be his clearest path to the presidency if she wins the nomination. But I really don't know.
I do know that having him on the ticket is the only way I will consider voting for her, and I imagine a lot of others feel the same way.
Sorry. Can't do it. As much as I would like to see Obama in the white house, I can't support him as co-vice president with Bill.
I swore I would never again vote for a Clinton or Bush and I meant it.
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