Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't Stop When I say When

I like to go the metaphorical route. MCCAIN's Theme Song: Foo Fighter's "Everlong." Dave Grohl is John McCain, and he is saving his true love, the Iraq War, from two rockabilly characters with an axe. They are of course Hillary and Barack.

Weird? Yes. But so is this whole political psychodrama. And when you see Dave Grohl open up a can of whup-ass with his giant hand, you'll feel it.

Oh, and there's a giant red phone with a flashing light.

Foo Fighters

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Walker said...

Good (albeit) odd choice.

Points for creativity.

Points added for the song's title and that the song rocks hard.

Points off for no one resembling the candidate.


Maker's Mark said...

I don't know... I think one of the rockabilly axe-murderers kind of looks like Hillary....

Anonymous said...

Boys, Boys, Boys,

The only one to turn to in any political season is the master musician of all time (and Boomer)Bob Dylan. His Modern Times has it all:

Working Man Blues for the newly beer swigging Hillary Clinton

Beyond the Horizon, the ultimate Barack ballad

And two bonus tracks: Mark's love song to Obama and Mark's get me away from this monster woman song for Hillary. You'll know them when you hear them.
