I am not super surprised that Oso Famoso and his brood are all voting for Hillary. I think it's cynical, dishonest, and bad for the country to pull those kind of stunts. I am disappointed in Walker that he would violate the spirit and intent of the voting process. I have said my peace. My wife, of course, has said it better than I could in the comment section to my Limbaugh post.
But now I will invoke the following curse - worse than the eternal zombie curse of Pirates of The Carribean, worse than being digested in the pit of Sarlacc for a thousand years, worse than anything written in the Necronomicon (that one's for Chad)
And you will. Once you are automatically registered as a democrat by voting in the primary, you will get the worst kind of mail from Planned Parenthood, Pelosi, Howard Dean, phone calls interrupting your dinner, etc. You will be dead to the republican party, and Democratic special interest groups will have their hooks in you for years to come. Serves you right.
violate the spirit and intent of the voting process.
Hmmm...the process allows for any citizen of these United States to vote for any candidate for any reason.
I have thousands of Democrats to thank in New Hampshire and Florida for McCain's nomination.
You are indeed allowed to vote any way you want for any reason you want to.
As a Catholic, you should have a better understanding of the difference between that which is permissible, and that which is good.
I think it be good to keep Obama out of office...I can help in that regard by voting for Hillary.
I like how tactical voting shenanigans suddenly rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors".
Politics is a game, dude. It's chess pieces on a chess board. It's also chock full of artifice.
The "mechanics" of politics is about virtuous as sports betting.
It's back kitchen sausage making at its finest.
The Brothers DollaFlop are not breaking any law or denying any citizen a valid vote.
The fact that you think Hillary would be better than Obama for this country indicates you are not only willing to cynically violate the spirit of the democratic process, you lack the discernment with which to realize you are actually injuring your country.
It's bad enough to fake being a democrat, but to fake being a clueless democrat? That requires a unique combination of
deceitfulness and bad judgment.
I still hope against hope that Walker's reason for voting was simple strategic gamesmanship: he wants McCain to go up against the weaker nominee, Clinton. I can't respect it, but I can accept it as a coherent political strategy.
If he shares your opinion that Hillary Clinton would be a "far lesser evil" than Obama, then all is lost, and no measure of reason or wisdom can be expected from the ranks of the Dollahans.
I never said it was a crime, a misdemeanor, or against the law. But I don't think it's a game.
I won't apologize for my earnestness; I take it very seriously. I believe when you go vote, you are exercising a privilege that many great Americans died for. Your family and mine didn't serve in the military because they wanted to protect our rights to make sausage or bet on sports. My grandfather didn't fly 25 missions in a B-17 and watch his buddies go down in flames because the American experiment is just a meaningless game. If I'm wrong about why your family wore the uniform, please correct me. I very much doubt that all the proud navy Dollahans think American democracy is just shits and giggles.
Of course you have the right to use your vote in any way you want. You can vote for Hillary because you hate black people, and no one could change that. Our family members fought for that right as well. What is great about America is that we have always fought to protect individual freedoms, even when we know those freedoms will be abused or misused.
I believe when you go into the voting booth you are supposed to express a real preference and support for the candidate you choose. When you register as a Democrat, it is a real declaration of support for that party.
I believe that was the intent of the founding fathers, and that should be the intent of every responsible voter. I believe when you vote cynically for a person you don't support, and you claim to be registering as something you are not, you are effectively lying. And I think Walker Dollahan is an otherwise very honest person who I have never known to lie, so to me this voting for Hillary business makes no sense.
We can agree to disagree on this one. I am sure with this post there will be some hurt feelings. But hey, I don't think this is a game, and I think as an American I have a responsibility to speak up for the democratic process.
Believe it or not, I am actually not even all that upset about this. Just a little disappointed. Jenny has been physically nauseous over this Limbaugh vote-skewing campaign, and the fact that you have gone along with it.
I'm sure after 4 years of Hillary Clinton as president we can all look back and laugh. Ha ha, funny times those were, in March of 08... so many hi-jinx.....
I very much doubt that all the proud navy Dollahans think American democracy is just shits and giggles.
So now you think that all Democrats who are earnestly voting for Hillary are also "clueless."
No, because every real democrat has different reasons for supporting Hillary. Those who think Hillary is more qualified are simply "mistaken." Those who think she has a better chance of beating McCain are "confused." Those who think it is time for a woman to be president are "narrow-minded feminists." Of course I think they're wrong! I'm a Barack supporter and I hate Hillary!
In your case, as a republican with conservative values, to actually believe that a scheming, lying, power-hungry political machine, who has made it clear that her goal in life is to destroy republicans and the "vast right-wing conspiracy"... to actually claim that she is the "lesser evil"....well, that's just cluelessness.
So I was talking about you, not real democrats who cast real votes.
Or... a vote for Hillary today is actually NOT a statement against Obama but a statement FOR McCain. "Republicans for Hillary" is a compliment for Obama.
Republicans are more scared of an Obama nomination than a Clinton nomination.
So, we are all correct. Or as the CEO of EZ-FLO International would say, "just do the math."
Email received from Mark to The Ds on Jan 15. I am sure Mark will wax disagreement for hours, but I find it equally unethical:
Hey Dudes,
Here is the e-mail I sent my folks. I want to persuade you guys in likewise fashion.... even if it's just to the tune of $25. It'll feel good to be part of the great wave of hope.
Here is an awesome article making the case against Hillary from a really clever guy, Christopher Hitchens:
After you read it, please go to
and donate to Barack Obama's campaign. Perhaps you think I am crazy for asking you to do so, but I really feel like Barack is the best firewall we have against the Hillary "the Fraudbot" Clinton. Jenny and I have already donated the maximum and Barack needs every bit of help he needs. He really can do it and the fight he is putting up against the Clinton machine is noble and great.
After he wins or loses you can still donate the maximum to a republican candidate, and obviously vote for him in the general election.
Jenny says I'm crazy and it's a waste of time to hit you up for Barack, but I believe all good people can agree: no more Clintons! We have to do what we can, where and when we can.
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