From Walker's Monday post:
"I am going to go on record and say that the BIG NEWS STORY of tomorrow might
will be: "Clinton Surges to Wins in Three of Four Primaries".
will be: "Clinton Surges to Wins in Three of Four Primaries".
She will win Ohio by +8, Texas by +6 (mostly on the backs of Hispanic Democrats),
and Rhode Island by +8.
and Rhode Island by +8.
Obama will win Little Stalingrad handily but it will matter little in the noise of the evening.
Clinton will add a few delegates to her column but not enough to seriously close the gap to Obama because of the strange Democratic party primary rules.
Clinton's next talking point will become, "Hey, look at me. I won New York, California, Texas, and Ohio. I also won in Michigan and Florida (although they supposdely won't be seated). I should be the nomimee. I can win big states!"
Look for a protracted primary campaign after tomorrow. Tuesday, March 3rd will settle nothing. "
I could totally be a Rovian hatchet-man operative. It's in my DNA. What stops me is what stopped me in early 1995, just after the Republican Revolution, when I went to DC to investigate working for a newly elected Republican congressman: the crushing banality of it all......
I just can't take it seriously. It's so loney tunes. Jenny, never go into politics. Promise me this. It's so nasty and vile....even among so-called friends in the party (see Obama and Clinton). You almost need to take a shower after rubbing elbows with politicians. Ewwwwww!!!!
You are indeed really good at this. I am a peon compared to you but let the record show I agreed with your prediction. Maybe if we could agree long enough to join forces we could take over the world......
(Interesting anecdote about your Washington outing BTW. Who was the rep?)
Steve Stockman, congressman from 1995 to 1997
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