Walker and Oso have suddenly become rather thin-skinned! I think my time away from the Texelection has made them soft. Sorry guys, when I come to fight, I bring a brick!
Fortunately, I have Jenny and Chad on hand to be the grown-ups. Chad's comments explain and clarify my position with his classic style and grace, please go read.
My problem with the Catholic church is the same problem I have with any church that tries to moralize, in the public sphere, when it has not earned real moral authority.
For instance, I think the Catholic church has great moral authority when it come to the Iraq war. They have consistently and courageously argued against pre-emptive war for centuries. I wish I had listened 7 years ago. When it comes to regulating sexuality or defining marriage, it has zero standing, because of how they have covered up and enabled 5 decades of gay, pedophile priests, not to mention thousands of bogus annulments and high divorce rates. Catholics are of course still allowed (in fact encouraged) by moi, to look to the church for teachings on any and every moral issue or doctrine. They have placed themselves under the church's authority, and it is good and right to do so.
And no one looks to Fundamentalist protestants for leadership when it comes to issues of racism, poverty, violence, xenophobia, etc. So believe me, there is enough hypocrisy to pass around. In some of these areas Catholics have great integrity.
But when it comes to public advocacy or legislation re: sexuality (hello, Catholic League?) why should anyone outside the church even listen to what they have to say? And I say the same for Focus on the Family and the rest of the fundamentalist movement. Focus on yourselves, you hypocrites. Otherwise all of your moralizing is just pissing in the wind. Comes right back at you.
Matthew 7:5
PS: I would like to go on record and freely admit that I have no moral authority, nor have I ever laid claim to any. The tone and temper of my posts on this blog are enough to deny me any sort of moral standing or leadership position in a church for all time, and in all places. These are the sacrifices one must make to blog......LETS GET IT ON!!!!!!
PPS: Make sure you read my mind-blowing Limbaugh post below.
You bring your brick...I'll bring my bulldozer. I'll knock your bricks down and bury you.
Chad's comments explain and clarify my position with his classic style and grace, please go read.
Yes, Chad accomplished what you were unable to accomplish. You play so sloppy that you need a friend to come behind you for clean up.
My problem with the Catholic church is the same problem I have with any church that tries to moralize, in the public sphere, when it has not earned real moral authority.
If Christians and Churches cannot have moral authority who DOES have moral authority pray tell? If one must be in perfect order before possessing moral authority than no moral authority actually exists.
Do liberals have some sort of trump card over conservatives when it comes to moral authority because they have less sin or something?
For instance, I think the Catholic church has great moral authority when it come to the Iraq war. They have consistently and courageously argued against pre-emptive war for centuries.
When it comes to regulating sexuality or defining marriage, it has zero standing, because of how they have covered up and enabled 5 decades of gay, pedophile priests, not to mention thousands of bogus annulments and high divorce rates.
A) Where did I claim that the Catholic Church defines marriage in the public sphere? I am sorry, you must be talking about somebody else. I claimed that the Church defines marriage in "reality" as a God given institution of the promulgation of the human race and glory of His name. Amen.
I did not say that the Catholic Church takes over the government and defines the political/social institution of marriage. Stop putting words into my mouth.
Catholics are of course still allowed (in fact encouraged) by moi, to look to the church for teachings on any and every moral issue or doctrine. They have placed themselves under the church's authority, and it is good and right to do so.
I am glad that I have your permission.
But when it comes to public advocacy or legislation re: sexuality (hello, Catholic League?) why should anyone outside the church even listen to what they have to say?
When it comes to public advocacy let the public do whatever it will do when it comes to marriage. Again, I honestly don't think you read my first response on the prior thread.
Let me ask you this...what if the federal government defined marriage between a man and beast. What if Mr. Jones got married to Harry, his pet duck. Let us assume that the state approved such a marriage.
Would you believe, based on the states blessing alone, that Mr. Jones' marriage was legitimate? If not, on what “moral authority” would you reject Mr. Jones’ marriage to Harry the Duck?
Focus on yourselves, you hypocrites. Otherwise all of your moralizing is just pissing in the wind. Comes right back at you.
I hate to break it to you but many of our nations most cherished laws came about from Christians "moralizing" people.
"Thou Shall Not Steal" and "Thou Shall Not Murder" come to mine...
I compliment the Catholic church and you respond with "booyaa"?
Whatever dude. You win. I bow before the mighty Catholic intellect of Oso Famoso.
Whatever dude. You win. I bow before the mighty Catholic intellect of Oso Famoso.
NOW who has the thin skin?
I hope you're kidding because I was being jestfull with much of that response...but, please, by all means bow before me.
A shot of Jim Beam for you both...
"Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more."
Proverbs 31:6-7
It's all good.
I'm not sensitive, just bored. I have to spend less time toiling in the comment section.
I welcome your presence of Jim Beam! Your writing goes down just right, like a cheap drink on a cold Monday night.
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