I have been very hard on the Republicans for being soulless, craven, hypocritical sheep, completely lacking in integrity. But I will give them this much. They are smart enough to nominate John McCain, who is a great candidate, a true fiscal conservative, a hero, and someone who is far superior to the right-wing base that so casually tries to piss on him every chance they get. Give credit where credit is due.
The Democrats, like the bunny depicted above, are once again flirting with political suicide. First Gore, then Kerry, and now Clinton, the mutant zombie who cannot be killed, for she is sustained by eating the brains of old ladies, latinos, and cross-over republicans. But she will lose to John McCain, who after 5 years of torture in a Vietnamese prison, is not afraid of zombies.
That's the best and most probable outcome, should she beat Barack (still a long-shot.) But I also fear that she is indeed unkillable, and she will end up somehow feasting on McCain's intestines. Because you know, the hero usually dies in zombie movies.
And Walker and all his other cross-over buddies can proudly say, I voted for our zombie president, Hillary Clinton.
PS: I'll see you guys this weekend. I have let a lot of work to do and I am way behind. I don't know how Johnny Walker is able to goof off this much at the Build-A-Bear workshop, where he is assistant manager. Chad, post something.
Although I honestly would think that Hillary would be a better president than Barak...One reason that I "crossed over" was that I firmly believe that Hilldabeast is more beatable in the general election.
Polls show that about 50% of Americans HATE Hillary Clinton. That is pretty strong. Hate tends to bring out the voters more than love anyway...
I just met a lady who told me that she used to be an Obama supporter but plans on voting for McCain in the general election.
The reason she gave was Obama's voting "no" on a bill that would define a baby who survied an abortion as a "person."
Mark, a brilliant post, I must say. The zombie motiff is great. The point of our missives should be to make a point but in an entertaining way. Good stuff.
Oh, I voted for Hillary because she will get hammer-slayed by McCain in November. Obama is a WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY better candidate, IMO, with the potential to be transformative....
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