Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Simple Question: Is George W. Bush a Liar?

If you say he is, back it up.


Maker's Mark said...

Walker, this post really takes us down a really tiresome, blog-troll rabbit hole. I can start with few simple things, like promising small government, or promising to be a compassionate conservative....

Try googling "Bush Lies" and we can spend all day arguing over whether or not the hundreds and hundreds of "lies" his haters have documented are true or not.

Some of them are of course not lies. Sometimes he chose to believe things that were manifestly untrue, sometimes he chose to believe what he was told to believe, and sometimes, as a really incompetent president, he just lacked the discernment to know what is true or false.

I will let Jenny respond to your challenge, because if I do, I will just waste a ton of time, and drag this whole blog down further than it has already sunk.

To my thinking, your challenge is like walking into a room and proclaiming "my farts don't smell!"
To disprove this ludicrous claim, I have to actually get on my knees behind you and do some really degrading verification work. And even after I have let you fart in my face, you will just look me in the eye and maintain that you think they smell like roses.

And with that final self-degrading, self-immolating rejoinder, I once again attempt to move on.

Walker said...

its just that I read repeated comments on the blog about how corrupt and dastardly the current president is. he's like a nastier, even more treacherous, even more compromised spitzer! these comments are unjustifiable. you may disagree with his policies/politics but he is not an evil, corrupt, lying bastard.

Jim Beam said...

Well put, Johnny Walker.