Monday, February 18, 2008

Dear Jim Beam and Johnny Walker

Thank you JB, for correcting my math. It was quite fuzzy. I appreciate getting called out on the facts. It is not one third of the country that is uninsured, but rather 15%. I do take issue with the argument that people who elect not to have health insurance somehow don't count towards the total -

"We also need to adjust this number down to account for those who refuse to take the coverage offered to them (swingin' single IT contractors and the like)..."

I don't know of anyone who refuses health insurance that is offered by their company. There are certainly self-employed people who refuse to buy their own coverage, but only because it is ridiculously expensive. I buy my own health insurance and it costs about 8 grand per year to cover my family, and if were to get Jenny knocked up again, those maternity costs would be excluded. I can afford 8 grand, but most people need that money for things like, ummm, food.
When those people who don't get themselves insured suffer an accident or get seriously ill, the hospitals end up footing the bill, and then pass the costs on to us. That is just a retarded way for the "greatest nation on earth" to organize health care.

Johnny Walker, at least Jim Beam reads the facts and arguments I present and then zeros in on my actual statements. You just completely ignore everything I say and return to the same simple talking points. There is WORLDWIDE SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS about the threat of global warming.


"With the July 2007 release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate.[24]"

Dude, when even the petro people admit global warming is real, don't you pause for even for a moment and think? There is no "spin" here. These are not activists trying to trick you into being pro-environment. These are scientists, whose agenda is just doing good science.

With much Love,

Maker's Mark

Concurring organization statements on climate change:

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