The implosion of the Clinton machine. And the fact that the implosion will culminate in the great state of TEXAS.
From Andrew Sullivan's blog, via the Post:
What Clinton aides discovered is that in certain targeted districts, such as Democratic state Sen. Juan Hinojosa's heavily Hispanic Senate district in the Rio Grande Valley, Clinton could win an overwhelming majority of votes but gain only a small edge in delegates. At the same time, a win in the more urban districts in Dallas and Houston -- where Sen. Barack Obama expects to receive significant support -- could yield three or four times as many delegates.
"What it means is, she could win the popular vote and still lose the race for delegates," Hinojosa said yesterday. "This system does not necessarily represent the opinions of the population, and that is a serious problem.""
When I read this, I dissolved in giggles after the first sentence. It was that part about the Texas delegate selection rules "creating a new obstacle for her" that got me. In what sense are the Texas rules a "new obstacle?" Were they only recently passed? Not as far as I can tell -- here, for instance, is a pdf about them from August 2007, which should have given the Clinton campaign ample time to get up to speed. While I was having fun thinking of possible analogies -- would I describe the existence of the Pacific Ocean as "creating a new obstacle" for my plan to walk from Baltimore to Beijing? or the fact that five is a prime number as "creating a new obstacle" to my proving that it is a multiple of two? --my co-blogger publius was actually writing the post I might have written, only funnier:
"Good lord, let’s see if I have this right. The Clinton campaign decides to cede every post-Super Tuesday state to Obama under the theory that Texas and Ohio will be strong firewalls. After – after – implementing this Rudy-esque strategy, they “discovered” that the archaic Texas rules will almost certainly result in a split delegate count (at best).While they were busy “discovering” the rules, however, the Obama campaign had people on the ground in Texas explaining the system, organizing precincts, and making Powerpoints. I know because I went to one of these meetings a week ago. I should have invited Mark Penn I suppose. (ed. Maybe foresight is an obsolete macrotrend.)"
Why Obama will never get my vote...
Pro Choice. Pro Partial Birth Abortion. Pro Federally Funded Abortion. Pro Law Where Teenage Girls Can Get An Abortion Without Parental Consent....
Etc etc.
Call me a "one issue" person if you want but I could never vote for a President that was Pro Choice. Ever. And that would have included Giuliani had he won the Republican nomination.
I realize that George W. Bush was pro-life and really didn't do much for pro-life causes. HOWEVER...he did install TWO conservative Catholic Supreme Court justices who will uphold the sanctity of life (example the ban on partial birth abortions that they passed).
I am not "Republican"...I'd consider myself Libertarian with the caveat that the unborn are citizens and need protection.
Ron Paul was and remains my guy.
I am anti War unless the war is just...Iraq doesn't qualify as being just. I am against the war on drugs. I am for small local government. Fair Tax. Get rid of about 80% of all federal “programs” including federal education. States Rights. Etc etc.
I'd prefer an Obama approach to the war in Iraq over a McCain approach but Obama would and could nominate supreme court justices that could ruin America...which is more important to me.
Not that anybody asked my opinion but there you have it.
Oh...and I am the artist formally known as Seante Dollahontrix.
So basically Osa Famoso is willing to vote for Pope Benedict for President......
Walker wrote the above.....I kid because I love....
I gotta tow the company line....
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