"Coulter and Limbaugh - not a fan of either. Rude & crude.
But Dobson? Trust me, my husband is not a better person than James Dobson."
Well. Then as they say in MTV Celebrity Deathmatch, LETS GET IT ON!
In the right corner, wearing a banana-hammock, weighing way too much, hailing from some random army base in Japan.......Waaaaalker "ManBearPig" Dollahaaaaaan!

In the left corner, wearing a dark suit over his robe of rightousness, hailing from the fertile intellectual ground that is Shreveport, Louisiana, James "Civil War of Values" Dooooobsoooon!

Ok, Walker may not be a godlier person than James Dobson, though I wouldn't be so quick to toss your husband under the truck for someone who is a big-time parachurch Christian celebrity who likes to stay in the limelight. A lot of people would have said Walker is less godly than Ted Haggard too. You just can't ever be sure where people rank on the godli-meter. Because, you know what, only God is in possession of a godli-meter that really works.
James Dobson is remarkably out of touch with the world, and very counter-productive. His gay conversion ministries have not done anything to strengthen hetero marriages or convert homos in meaningful numbers. But they have antagonized non-Christians (and many Christians) and gays to no end. Last time I checked, we are called to be winsome, not antagonistic.
The "my way or the highway" ultimatums he has made to the world and the GOP have not resulted in better, godlier leadership, but a broken-down, scandal-ridden, big-spending party. And now that he won't work with McCain it IS going to be the highway, for both him and the GOP.
Instead of working with the rest of America to solve problems, he creates a militaristic, us-vs-them climate that has damaged the church and the country, while accomplishing precious few of his goals. (1 in 5 pregnancies still end in abortion, gay culture has prospered, hetero marriages are as unstable as ever...etc. etc.) And he does not address poverty much at all, which I would argue the bible commands us to address a lot more than homosexuality, in a ratio of about, oh 1000 to 1.
So is Dobson godlier than Walker? Does he pray more, or study the bible more? I don't know. Probably. But I will say this. He has done more to diminish the glory and mystery of the Church than Walker has. He has represented the love and mercy and rightousness of Christ much less than Walker has.
Winner, after 10 rounds, by biblical knock-out: WALKER DOLLAHAN!
I think I know Missy's point-of-view... I, too, have slept for years in close proximity to Walker. His "smells and bells" rival the Catholic Church, but underneath it all he is a red-blooded American cuddly teddy bear. Vive le Walker!
(Vive le Missy as well... without her, the world would not be privileged to know the seed of Walker the Great.)
But who would Missy rather wake up next to and declare...."those aren't PILLOWS!!!" a la Trains Planes and Automobiles - Walker or James Dobson?
Again, victory goes to Walker.
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