And what about the constant sleaze? Where is the accountability? I have to make a correction to my earlier post. Jenny reminded me that it wasn't Carmen Electra washing a car, it was Jessica Simpson. My bad. And I apologize to my readers who struggle with porn addiction - unlike Fox News I actually feel a bit bad for perpetuating meaningless, empty sexuality - but I have to post this to make my point: THIS is the video Fox needed to share with the world, because the Dukes of Hazzard movie release is just such an important current event.

I was conflating this with another Fox News Report that Jenny and I were outraged about - a Carmen Electra photo shoot for Maxim magazine. I kid you not. The whole piece was a video of her getting photographed, and then an interview with the Maxim editor, about how awesome it was to shoot her. Thanks Fox! That really takes the sting out of genocide in Darfur!
So give the NY Times credit for at least keeping its work on a much higher ground, even if they screw up sometimes. And here is another reason to give the NY Times credit. Fox News has sad-sack, failed lefties on its payroll, while the NY Times actually employs conservatives with some intellectual heft:
William Kristol David Brooks

There are 10 columnists at the NY Times. 2 of them are liberal idiots, (Dowd and Krugman) the rest are less political, mostly center-left, and 2 of them are really smart, accomplished conservative thinkers. Overall leftward bias? Absolutely. But you could add up the brain cells of every conservative at Fox, and the sum of that brain matter would fill one of those little plastic pails kids take to the beach. These NY Times columnists are brilliant, which shows that the Times is not afraid of hosting a strong debate. Unlike Fox.
It would all be different if conservativism were synonomous with the Wall Street Journal, another fine newspaper. But instead the republican base has its opinions and attitudes shaped on a daily basis by Fox. If I have to be associated with a high-brow newspaper full of original, quality writing, or a cable channel that is sleazy and shallow, with nothing but shrill commentary, I know which way to go.
Fox News lost credibility when Shepherd Smith's program had a segment called "The Daily Brittney" in which he gave an update on Brittney Spears' horrific downfall.
CNN/MSNBC et al isn't any better though.
Fox News may border
on "entertainment" at times but at least it isn't a soundboard for communist/socialist ideology.
Are you calling the NY Times communist/socialist for exaggerated effect, or are you serious? If you are serious, you need to look up those definitions.
If you are joking, I don't think that is helpful. Noone is saying Fox is fascist. Just stupid and shallow.
The Times recently ran an op-ed calling on Obama and Clinton to be more realistic about NAFTA. They were actually telling the candidates to lay off the anti-NAFTA rhetoric. Not exactly communist....
Here are some examples of CNN bias being played out live....
After watching, tell me, what is worse? Fox News' Daily Britteny or CNN's obvious bias.
This is so try to compare the Old Gray Lady to Fox News. What a joke. Fox News is an opinion-driven cable news channel. It does a respectable job at being balanced.
The New York Times holds itself up as the paragon of virtuous journalism, unbiased and only driven by a pursuit of THE TRUTH. In reality, its an echo chamber for elitist East Coasters.
Furthermore, Fox News has a future. The New York Times? Not so much......
Once again, boys, Fox news is for R. Murdock's bottom line. Entertainment = Money. As to it's politics, they are as biased as it's owner. It is all about media ownwership. END OF STORY.
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