A strong and unapologetically vigorous national defense....remember during the last years of the Cold War the crocodile tears the Left shed over unilateral nuclear disarmament, our efforts at assisting the Contras, standing up to the Communists in general? They were dead wrong then. I remember that.
The Blame America First Crowd.... George Soros, Norman Mailer, Noam Chomsky... Who are these people??
The ACLU. 99% of what they do is sickeningly horrible. What compels them in their work is a deep-seated hatred for America.
Conservatives tend not to support affirmative action, needle exchange programs, partial birth abortion, heavy-handed government regulation, higher taxes, etc.
Conservatives tend to support lower taxes, gun rights, strict private property rights, drilling for more oil to allow us to be more energy independent.
Conservatives tend to not see the American people as aggrieved sub-groups, each one hyper-sensitive to criticism, each one desperately in need to the saving work of a lone political party to make them happy and prosperous.
Global Warming.
In the 1970's is was Global Cooling.
Here's an article from Newsweek Magazine from 1975:

Conservatives tend to not be swayed my mass media-driven hysteria.
Global warming, global cooling, the killer bees!, SARS, the Bird Flu, El Nino, the list can go on.....
Is it just me or when prominent Democratic politicians address the American electorate they often seem like pompous, self-important jack-asses and who are rarely comfortable in their own skin?? Bill Clinton and his cloying, lip-biting insincerity, Al Gore and his Naomi Wolf-approved "earth tone" blazers, John Kerry and his "I was against the bill before I was for it" shtick, Hillary Clinton and her moist-eyed heart-to-heart stump speech soliloquies describing all the "wonderful things she wants to do for the country." Gimme a break!
(notice I leave Obama out of this. I have to say, refreshingly, he seems like a real human being.)

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