Monday, February 25, 2008

Kicking Fox when its down, part two

What is the big story on Fox News right now? The stupid Somali outfit. Total garbage. CNN and MSNBC are at least running top stories about nukes in Korea and Musharraf stepping down, but Fox thinks that HRC and Obama's campaigns sniping at each other over a 2 year old photo is super big news.

Fox News LOVES to make the trivial seem important (like when Obama didn't put his hand on heart.) Sadly, it's the GOP that is about to become trivial. I wish the average republican could grasp how much the conservative mind is narrowing, shutting down. There are still smart people on the right, but they increasingly surrounded by Fox News zombie-dom.


Missy said...

where do you watch your Fox news from, Marky?

Rebecca said...

What is with them? I remember a time when we did watch FOX, maybe 8 years ago? It was sort of joke then, but now it seems like they're so far gone nobody even bothers to make fun of 'em anymore. I think I permanently deleted their channel when Hannity put his show on the air. Total mouthpiece.