The fact that leading scientists are all in conclusion that the world's temperature has risen between 1-2 degrees over the past 100 years don't mean jack-squat.
Science??!! Science??!
Why do we lie prostrate before the Altar we call Science....immobile, waiting with baited breadth it's infallible "conclusions"?
Oh, science has spoken. Science is pure and untainted. Science speaks for God.
Science is often wrong. It still is. It always will be.
Thirty years ago there was considerable "scientific consensus" that we faced a looming Global Ice Age:
1974 and 1972 National Science Board Conclusions on Global Temperature
"In an opinion piece in the Washington Post, former U.S. Energy Secretary James Schlesinger wrote that in 1974 the National Science Board, the governing body of the National Science Foundation, stated:
- During the last 20 to 30 years, world temperature has fallen, irregularly at first but more sharply over the last decade."

Now let me quibble at the "degree" of the "degrees".
"The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 +/- 0.18 ° Celsius (1.33 ± 0.32 ° Fahrenheit) during the 100 years ending in 2005."
Whoa, that's really scary. Between 1-2 degrees. We're really screwed.
Better shut down American industry. That's the only sensible thing to do.
Panged by numbing guilt I've calculated my families carbon footprint and I have decided to off-set it with an in kind donation to Friends of the Earth.
But who cares? Maybe swings in global temperatures of between 1-2 degrees one way or another should keep us up at night....but not me....
It's the POLITICS behind the so-called consensus that I worry about and trust me this is ALL about politics.
Watch the BBC (yes, the BBC) documentary THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE.
It's conclusions are dead on: "It argues that the consensus on climate change is the product of "a multibillion-dollar worldwide industry: created by fanatically anti-industrial environmentalists; supported by scientists peddling scare stories to chase funding; and propped up by complicit politicians and the media".
(from Jenny not Mark--who can be bothered to sign in and out?)
Interesting about the global cooling thing. I have heard that before but still.
I was just wondering about the industry issue: why will it kill industry? Seems to be spawning whole new industries as far as I can tell. My thing has always been that even if the scientific consensus turns out to be wrong, why is cutting down on waste and pollution a bad thing?
Cutting down on waste and pollution - awesome things, no doubt!! I love going to the Lefty paradise that is Vermont. There's something to be said for smart growth.
It's also true that if we kowtowed willy-nilly to Al Gore's frenzied suggestions that there would indeed be new industries to fight the menace of global warming but keep in mind that these would be largely, if not entirely subsidized by the government. It would not be the market that would dictate the new industries "value" but the collectivist sentiment of the scientific and political elites.
If we were also worried about the dreaded MANBEARPIG peril too (see above post), there would be new govt funded industries around combating and stopping MANBEARPIG.
What's truly scary though is that a lot of the global warming movers and shakers secretly want to hobble the economic might of the West. That's their goal. The Trojan Horse is Global Warming fears.
I love the South Park guys.....
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