Former NYT Editorial Page Editor on GOP:
"These People Are Nuts"
"Gail Collins served six years as editor of the Times editorial page, and had previously served on the editorial board.
Those years of experience no doubt equipped her with the ability to make such deep insights into politics as this, from her recent column, in which she is apparently trying to show less class than her colleague Maureen Dowd.
'Meanwhile, the Republican far right has fallen into a remarkable snit over John McCain’s march to the nomination. Rush Limbaugh is virtually gnawing his own ankle in rage.
By co-authoring legislation with Democrats, Limbaugh ranted, McCain was working with “threats to the American way of life as we’ve always known it.”
James Dobson says he won’t vote if McCain is the nominee because of infractions ranging from failure to back a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to “foul and obscene language.”
Ann Coulter claims she’d support Clinton “because she’s more conservative than he is.”
Once again, the reason for everything terrible about American politics for the last 20 years becomes clear. These people are nuts.'"
Nice, and classy. This is a column, an opinion piece, I get that (one very poorly written, in my opinion - these people aren't very good!) but what she is doing is "opening the kimono"a bit showing the world how she and her colleagues really view conservative Republicans.
It's not that the New York Times is liberal. That's fine. What really makes me mad is that they claim to be "the newspaper of record", an unbiased paragon to truth and honesty when in all reality they are inward-gazing, arrogant, elitists in the highest order.
I will not shed a tear on their behalf. The world has moved on and they will shortly be history.
I am sad to say that Collins is right. Those people are nuts. Certainly in the case of Ann Coulter. She's totally batshit crazy. Limbaugh is just a jerk with a gigantic ego. I won't comment on James Dobson, who has his own reasons, though I think are ultimately self-destructive.
And I disagree with you Walker, because I don't think you are like those people at all. You are a much better person than Limbaugh, Coulter and Dobson. You aren't going to destroy your own party because you're in a giant snit. Gail Collins doesn't hate them either, she just thinks they're irrational. Which they are.
Coulter and Limbaugh - not a fan of either. Rude & crude.
But Dobson? Trust me, my husband is not a better person than James Dobson.
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