Note: The estimated outlays for the federal government in 2008 are 2,758 billion dollars (2.788 trillion).
If Obama Could Enact All Of His Campaign Proposals, Taxpayers Would Be Faced With Financing Over $850 Billion In New Spending Over One White House Term:
If Obama Could Enact All Of His Campaign Proposals, Taxpayers Would Be Faced With Financing Over $850 Billion In New Spending Over One White House Term:
Obama's Health Care Plan Will Cost Up To $65 Billion A Year; Equal To $260 Billion Over Four Years."
[Obama] campaign officials estimated that the net cost of the plan tothe federal government would be $50 billion to $65 billion a year, whenfully phased in, and said the revenues from rolling back the tax cutswere enough to cover it." (Robin Toner and Patrick Healy, "Obama CallsFor Wider And Less Costly Health Care Coverage," The New York Times, 5/30/07)
Obama's Energy Plan Will Cost $150 Billion Over 10 Years, Equal To 15 Billion Annually And $60 Billion Over Four Years."Obama will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the nextgeneration of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate thecommercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development ofcommercial-scale renewable energy, invest in low-emissions coal plants,and begin the transition to a new digital electricity grid." (Obama ForAmerica, "The Blueprint For Change," http://origin.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf, Accessed 1/14/08, p. 25)
Obama's Tax Plan Will Cost Approximately $85 Billion A Year; Equal To $340 Billion Over Four Years."[Obama's] proposed tax cuts and credits, aimed at workers earning$50,000 or less per year, would cost the Treasury an estimated $85billion annually." (Margaret Talev, "Obama Proposes Tax Code OverhaulTo Help The Poor," McClatchy Newspapers, 9/19/07)
Obama's Plan Would Raise Taxes On Capital Gains And Dividends, And On Carried Interest. Obama's tax plan includes: "[i]ncreasing the highest bracket for capital gains and dividends and closing the carried interest loophole." (Obama For America, "Barack Obama: Tax Fairness For The Middle Class," Fact Sheet, http://obama.3cdn.net/b7be3b7cd08e587dca_v852mv8ja.pdf, Accessed 1/8/08)
Obama's Economic Stimulus Package Will Cost $75 Billion."Barack Obama's economic plan will inject $75 billion of stimulus intothe economy by getting money in the form of tax cuts and directspending directly to the people who need it most." (Obama For America,"Barack Obama's Plan To Stimulate The Economy," Fact Sheet, http://obama.3cdn.net/8335008b3be0e6391e_foi8mve29.pdf, 1/13/08)
Obama's Early Education And K-12 Package Will Cost $18 Billion A Year; Equal To $72 Billion Over Four Years."Barack Obama's early education and K-12 plan package costs about $18billion per year." (Obama For America, "Barack Obama's Plan ForLifetime Success Through Education," Fact Sheet, http://obama.3cdn.net/a8dfc36246b3dcc3cb_iem6bxpgh.pdf, 11/20/07, p. 15)
Obama's National Service Plan Will Cost $3.5 Billion A Year; Equal To $14 Billion Over Four Years."Barack Obama's national service plan will cost about $3.5 billion peryear when it is fully implemented." (Obama For America, "Helping All Americans Serve Their Country: Barack Obama's Plan For UniversalVoluntary Citizen Service," Fact Sheet, http://obama.3cdn.net/3b3158f85f69a39217_hydpmvzbb.pdf, 12/5/07)
Obama Will Increase Our Foreign Assistance Funding By $25 Billion."Obama will embrace the Millennium Development Goal of cutting extremepoverty around the world in half by 2015, and he will double ourforeign assistance to $50 billion to achieve that goal." (Obama ForAmerica, "The Blueprint For Change," http://origin.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf, Accessed 1/14/08, p. 53)
Obama Will Provide $2 Billion To Aid Iraqi Refugees."He will provide at least $2 billion to expand services to Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries, and ensure that Iraqis inside theirown country can find a safe-haven." (Obama For America, "The BlueprintFor Change," http://origin.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf, Accessed 1/14/08, p. 51)
Obama Will Provide $1.5 Billion To Help States Adopt Paid-Leave Systems."As president, Obama will initiate a strategy to encourage all 50states to adopt paid-leave systems. Obama will provide a $1.5 billionfund to assist states with start-up costs and to help states offset thecosts for employees and employers." (Obama For America, "The BlueprintFor Change," http://origin.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf, Accessed 1/14/08, p. 15)
Obama Will Provide $1 Billion Over 5 Years For TransitionalJobs And Career Pathway Programs, Equal To $200 Million A Year And $800Million Over Four Years. "Obama will invest $1 billion overfive years in transitional jobs and career pathway programs thatimplement proven methods of helping low-income Americans succeed in theworkforce." (Obama For America, "The Blueprint For Change," http://origin.barackobama.com/pdf/ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf, Accessed 1/14/08, p. 42)
Obama Will Provide $50 Million To Jump-Start The Creation Of An IAEA-Controlled Nuclear Fuel Bank. Obama:"We must also stop the spread of nuclear weapons technology and ensurethat countries cannot build -- or come to the brink of building -- aweapons program under the auspices of developing peaceful nuclearpower. That is why my administration will immediately provide $50million to jump-start the creation of an International Atomic EnergyAgency-controlled nuclear fuel bank and work to update the NuclearNonproliferation Treaty." (Sen. Barack Obama, "Renewing AmericanLeadership," Foreign Affairs, 7-8/07)
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