Advantage McCain? Not!
I would like to suggest a new ground-rule. Let's all agree that the accusation he is "left-wing" or he is "right-wing" is meaningless. Just because you disagree with a position, doesn't mean that candidate's views are crazy extremist. Sure, if Obama said "nationalize the automobile companies!"...THAT would be "left-wing." Or if McCain said "all Americans should be forced into patriotism re-education camps!", that would be "right-wing."
But for most things in between, we are actually talking about honest, substantive policy differences, that have to be discussed when living in a democracy.
So about FISA -
You totally misrepresent Obama's position on this!
He knows it has existed for years, and that it works.
The difference is that he believes it has worked fine for decades WITH federal warrant oversight, and WITHOUT blanket immunity for telecommunication industries.
The problem is not FISA, but George Bush's little tweaks, which basically grant the executive branch total freedom and immunity. When you can't even have a secret court overseeing a secret surveillance program, all you have is George Bush's WORD that he won't abuse it. And if Hillary gets that power next year, how will you like that? You want Hillary Clinton tapping her political enemies? You want her using her buddies in the telecommunication industry to do what she wants?
Barack Obama's problem with FISA is the unchecked, warrantless power and retroactive immunity for telecommunication companies. I am sorry, mega-corporations that have no interests other than profit and self-preservation should be be able to farm our information any way they want, hand it over to the government, and not ever be held accountable? I'm sorry, since when did conservatives start thinking that we should write governments and big corporations blank checks? How in the world is that conservative?
"The FISA court works. The separation of power works. We can trace, track down and take out terrorists while ensuring that our actions are subject to vigorous oversight, and do not undermine the very laws and freedom that we are fighting to defend.
No one should get a free pass to violate the basic civil liberties of the American people - not the President of the United States, and not the telecommunications companies that fell in line with his warrantless surveillance program. We have to make clear the lines that cannot be crossed."
The big issue difference here is that some (but not all) conservatives still trust George Bush to not overstep his powers. I don't. I for one have learned quite clearly from the past eight years that government must be restrained, you have to have checks and balances.
"Secrecy must not trump accountability. We must show our citizens – and set an example to the world – that laws cannot be ignored when it is inconvenient. "
I agree. Transparency, accountability, ethics. There used to be a time when republicans stood for those principals. Now they have a crude "let the executive branch do what it says it has to do" mantra. That's not in the constitution, and not conducive to a free and upright people.
Advantage Obama. And you'd better hope that Hillary doesn't get hold of all the special executive powers George Bush has granted himself.
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