Bush has been terrible on spending, I will give you that. What amazes me to no end is that the very same Democrats who roundly criticize Bush for spending lapses are lining up giddy as kids on Christmas morning for a man who promises to explode the federal budget.
So far, his promises total $850B over his first term.
Do you know how staggering that is?
This is the same cost as TWO War on Terrors.
And do you think that the threat of terrorism is going to evaporate in the blink of an eye once Obama is president?
Do you really think that Obama is even going to remove the US military from Iraq in a substantial way?
No, these costs will remain.
And on top of all this, Obama seems to want to aggressively pursue a protectionist trade policy.
So, we are left with huge spending increases, new tax increases, and a protectionist trade policy....I am fired up regarding the GOP in '08 once these views are high-lighted!!!!!
All I can say is what I've already tried to say.
You are projecting a worse case and impossible scenario, in which all of Obamas ideas are immediately realized and passed through congress.
Won't happen. Like Clinton he will move to the middle, and unlike Bush, he will try to balance the budget. He will spend more on good programs, but he will save more on wasteful pork, and he will also raise taxes. Just like any good steward of a budget, be it household, or state, he will make the numbers work.
Bush's worse case scenarios is REAL, it has already HAPPENED, it's not just a crazed nightmare of the opposition. I wish it were so.... The 500 billion was just the war, I didn't even add to that the billions wasted in New Orleans and the gulf coast (out of guilt for botching the emergency), the billions wasted on his stupid drug plan, and the billions he allowed congress to spend on pork.
You are projecting a worse case and impossible scenario, in which all of Obamas ideas are immediately realized and passed through congress.
So you are admitting that these are just willy nilly campaign "promises."
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