Remember your very first love?
What some people call "puppy love"?
Strange feelings started to well up within you at the same time you noticed even stranger "developments" starting to occur throughout your body, both inside and out.
Next thing you knew you were standing to one side of a middle school gym floor while New Orders "Bizarre Love Triangle" blared from hidden speakers….either standing with the "Wolf Pack", skinny little men in parachute pants and Chuck All-Star sneakers, nervous as hell, drinking Dr. Pepper from Styrofoam cups…or on the other side, the "Teen Queens", beguiling creatures, some of them a full foot taller than the "Wolves", baffling and mysterious budding junior goddesses, stood with their own kind, tossing come-hither glances over their shoulders, almost challenging the "Wolves" to approach them….
Eventually you found that one special someone. Now your heart soared to stratospheric heights! You had never experienced such joy in all your short life. Just the touch of his or her hand sent you reeling!! Every waking moment was spent with this person and at night all you did was dream of them. Your friends put out Missing Persons reports on your behalf.
But then something happened…..almost overnight….you noticed something changing….somehow that person, who just days before your couldn't get enough of, whose every word was hilarious and deep, whose whole visage and physical being was like visual ambrosia to you, suddenly became something less than that…..they even started to annoy you in small but growing ways…..eventually your ducked the hallway like a furtive criminal just to avoid them coming down the hallway….the mixed tape you started for them lies half-finished unfinished in your boom box…..you make up increasingly ridiculous excuses with your mom to avoid having to talk on the phone….
As you mope over a soggy bowl of Count Chocola your parents mention something like "buyers remorse" but you have no idea what they're talking about….parents are so bogus sometimes….what do they know about love?
With mounting dread, you think of the upcoming "Winters Ball" you had foolishly promised this person to go with just weeks before…it going to happen in early November, months away….but in the heat of the moment, without a care in the world, you had vigorously said, "Yes!".
What were you thinking??? How were you to know that true love was built on substance, hard-earned respect, and trust, a demonstrated commitment to shared dreams and success??? How could you ever get out of it??? What if you played sick that night? Or, what if you convinced your dad to get a new job and more to a new town???
Agony of never-ending agonies!
Cute and clever. You are a good writer! Also true. But the fact that people are hearting him so much does not mean he doesn't also have all that other stuff as well:
"substance, hard-earned respect, and trust, a demonstrated commitment to shared dreams and success"
I don't understand why he is not perceived as having these things. Dreams? Success? Substance? A constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago (not the most liberal of institutions), first black president of the Harvard Law Review, community organizer, legislator...what exactly is it in his background that people feel is not substantive or successful?
I have two friend's here in Texas, both in their 30's, who have achieved several of those things above too.....Law Review Presidents at Ivy League schools, etc.....but they aren't qualified to be President and Chief...
He has held elected office for over 10 years-I think 13 or 14. Have your friends done so? I truly believe that a candidate of his bkgd. and gifts that shared your political philosophy would be heartily embraced by you and yours.
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