Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Straight from the Floor of the Toyota Center.....

Sent to me via Maker's Mark's cellphone tonight.....from the floor of the Toyota Center....20,000 + strong...full house....

Have to say Obama gave a good speech tonight.

Hillary's was the inspirational equivalent of a ingrown toenail.


Walker said...

Hey guys, awesome, our first nut!!!!!!!!

Keep the nuts rolling squirrel-boy!!!!!!

Maker's Mark said...


This is a really important milestone. It means we're getting somewhere.

Has Missy even gotten any crazies to post on her blog yet?


Anonymous said...

Here's my brother's take (from a string of text messages) on the Obama rally:

"I want my healthcare rebate while I'm serving soup to illegal immigrants. But wait, no one should be poor - how am I going to work off my student loan?!?"

After I told him I had switched from the rally to "The Office" on TBS, he sent the following:

"I'm watching a different comedy - this is hilarious."