Friday, February 15, 2008

Comparison Issue #2: FISA Senate Bill

For those of you who don't know at this acronym means:

"The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978 is a U.S. Federal law prescribing procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of "foreign intelligence information" between or among "foreign powers" on territory under United States control.

The subchapters of FISA provide for:

  • Electronic Surveillance
  • Physical Searches
  • Pen Registers and Trap & Trace Devices for Foreign Intelligence Purposes
  • Access to certain Business Records for Foreign Intelligence Purposes
This is a bill that was put into place in the Carter years, folks. It's been around for a long time. Liberal Senators thirty years ago wrote it originally. It doesn't take a flight of mental fancy to see how FISA could be useful in fighting terrorism at home and abroad.

McCain on FISA:

Notes from a con-call for the campaign:

Question posed: Obama voted against the FISA statute yesterday and still calls for a full and immediate withdrawal; does he have the judgment to be CinC?

McCain won't comment on his judgment, but says that events have proven Obama wrong on Iraq. He also welcomed the MoveOn endorsement, the same organization that published a full-page insult to an American military commander.

On FISA, he says that will be one of the differences between the two, if he wins the nomination.

Obama on FISA:

“I have consistently opposed this Administration's efforts to use debates about our national security to expand its own power, whether that was on the Iraq war, or on its power grab to curb our civil liberties through domestic surveillance programs. It is time to restore oversight and accountability in the FISA program, and this proposal -- with an unprecedented grant of retroactive immunity -- is not the place to start.”

Obama has aligned himself with the far-left on this. The Republicans and McCain are going to bludgeon him repeatedly over his statements and votes (and non-votes) on FISA.

Advantage McCain in a big way.

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