Thursday, February 14, 2008

M/J I just sent you a clipping from the WSJ about Obama voting against one of the FISA amendments. The dem lead Intellegence Cmte voted in bi partisan manner not to allow law suits against the phone companies for helping with govt requested wire taps. Obama joined a minority of about 23 leftists dem to let them be sued..... against the bipartisan vote of the 67 who voted against it.

The dems can not be depended upon to defend this country and they prove it every time they vote on any of these anti war type amendments. In this case it is not even about IRAQ but against Islamic Jihadism. Obama is a creature of the far left and this is just another example. The WSJ says he is in MOVE ON. ORG territory, and that is putting it mildely. I think ( and hope) this type of vote will be getting more scrutiny by the press in future months. No more free rides.

1 comment:

Walker said...

Great point.

Why, under the Great Domed Canopy of Heaven, are Democrats so in opposition to reasonable efforts and
policies put in place to protect US citizens from acts of violence???!!!!

What about FISA is so offensive to them???

I don’t buy the canard that it's about civil rights protections…..this is driven by the Blame America First/George
Soros crowd who always are looking for ways to undermine US power and sovereignty.