Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Walker is Jenkins

Walker, when it comes to blog debate is the equivalent of a "griefer"=

"A griefer is a slang term used to describe a player in a multiplayer video game who plays the game simply to cause grief to other players through harassment. Griefing is a malignant form of emergent gameplay."

His constant Man-bear-pig references, ad-hoc scientific claims, and refusal to adress 90 percent of my arguments, while constantly repeating the same two points (man-bear-pig, science is meaningless, man-bear-pig, science is meaningless, man-bear-pig, science is meaningless, man-bear-pig, science is meaningless.........) has the result of just killing any kind of meaning or enjoyment a normal person might derive from an attempt at debate.

Walker is Jenkins, the character from the classic South Park episode:


htownjenny said...

Maybe, but you are harsh!

Maker's Mark said...

Walker can take it.

Walker said...

I can take it....and boy I can dish is out too!!!!! :-)

I could only hope to acheieve Jenkins skills and slaughter ability.

htownjenny said...

In terms of joy-killing ability, you are level 70, dude, level 70.

Hey you wanna both buy WOW and play it together? It would be awesome! The wive's would be SO into us doing that!

Jim Beam said...

Random non-sequitor... one of the lead programmers that developed WOW is Jeff Strain. His parents are really good friends with my folks, and I remember him coming over to our house when I was a little kid. I looked up to him because he was the first chair cellist in the "high school orchestra" (read: most awesome and bigtime baller-shot-caller) and I was a measly 1st year violinist in the 5th grade strings class.

If I had only known that all the cool kids were learning computer programming instead of music...

(I am a 1st chair name-dropper.)

Anonymous said...

Manbearpig IS important to the discussion.