Friday, February 15, 2008

Si Se Puede!

Here are my responses to the Che Guevara assault and Challenge #1.

I will address our little commie friend first. This is another typical, pointless distraction. The kind of dumb issue that Fox News, never very competent on policy issues, loves to sandwich in between salacious murder stories.

Yes, that woman in Houston is a total dumb-ass leftie. I am quite sure a higher-up in the campaign has thoroughly chewed her ass out, given that the local media has recently discovered that she draped her home in a giant American flag in response to the kerfluffle.

Reports also show that the "office" she was running was an independent volunteer office and not an official Obama headquarters. Unfortunately, anyone running a 50 state campaign with thousands of volunteers is going to end up with people who don't represent their candidate well. There have been many instances of republican operatives push-polling, starting smear campaigns, etc. (remember McCain's black baby?). You have to be able to filter out the crap.

Just like the famous "non-salute", this another story that has nothing to do with the issues or the man's character. You pretty much have to totally ignore everything he has said in thousands of pages of print and interviews and debates t0 believe that the Che Guevara flag represents Barack Obama in any way whatsoever. That stupid volunteer was trying to be cool, and she isn't.

Challenge #1

A fair attempt at debating the issues. Remember, the challenge is about proving that Obama is thinking through the issues. It sure seems like he is just taking rhetorical shots, that is if you only quote the first part of his larger argument, and then leave out the part with the hard numbers.

Walker's quote:

"We have to stop pretending that all cuts are equivalent or that all tax increases are the same. Ending corporate subsidies is one thing; reducing health-care benefits to poor children is something else. At a time when ordinary families are feeling hit from all sides, the impulse to keep their taxes as low as possible is honorable. What is less honorable is the willingness of the rich to ride this anti-tax sentiment for their own purposes."

The paragraph from Obama's book that Walker left out:

"Nowhere has this confusion been more evident than in the debate surrounding the proposed repeal of the estate tax. As currently structured, a husband and wife can pass on $4 million without paying any estate tax. In 2009, this figure goes up to $7 million. The tax thus affects only the wealthiest one-third of 1% in 2009. Repealing the estate tax would cost $1 trillion, and it would be hard to find a tax cut that was less responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans or the long-term interests of the country."

I personally think this is reasonable. The country should spend one trillion dollars to make the mega-wealthy wealthier? I am sure you will be quick to argue that it is "their money and not the governments." Well, that is a philosophical position, not one based in "facts" and "realistic solutions". I would be happy to quote the bible: "Give unto Caesar's what is Caesar's"

The fact is that George Bush has run the national debt up to $7,782,816,546,352.29.
I would like to see that debt paid down before we start taking care of multi-millionaires. They won't miss a meal.

I call this a draw. Obama backs up his reasoning with solid figures, and he makes pretty straight forward sense.

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