I'm going to respond too, even though Mark's gauntlet-throwing speaks for itself:
I hereby posit once and for all that people love Obama and are giving him the benefit of the doubt on a few things. I further posit that there is a media bias in his favor. Reporters love him, a fact I know definitively as I am one myself. Here's why: he's smart, friendly, cool, process-oriented, and likes to talk (we need talkers to do our job). These are a lot of the same reasons reporters were drawn to McCain in 2000, but there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then.
And is Chris Matthews biased toward Obama? Um, yes. The man worked in the Carter white house. He has publicly admitted to crying (forgot how to do html but here is the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/01/09/chris-matthews-obamas-s_n_80805.html) at numerous Obama speeches. The campaign should put him on the payroll.
WE KNOW ALL THIS, GUYS. WE KNOW YOU KNOW IT. When are you going to hit us with the hard stuff, instead of continually complaining about how people are loving on Obama too much? We can handle so much more.
And Walker, if we are going to start doing media criticism around here, I may have to get cable so I can treat you to some lengthy deconstructions of Fox News.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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April 2002. Illinois legislature. Should babies that survive abortion be allowed to live? Barack Obama's vote? No.
Joel (nice name, it's my son's too), I hope you will forgive me if I don't discuss this as you suggest. It does not seem to be a germane response to my post. I know he is pro-choice, and I respect your decision to be a pro-life voter. I hope you will respect my opinion that there are other, more important issues at stake in this election.
One of the things I have in common with Sen. Obama is a desire to see more "fair-minded" (his word)debate in the political sphere. The link Anonymous sent referred to Sen. Obama as "twisted," which I find neither edifying nor persuasive.
(blank stare)
You're right. Media bias is much more important than an infant's right to live. What was I thinking? Besides, it really isn't "fair-minded" to ask Obama or his supporters to explain his actual positions.
What, specifically, are the "other, more important" issues at stake in this election?
Mainly the war. Many thousands innocent women and children, born and unborn, have died in the war.
If that does not break your heart just as much as the idea of abortion, well......
I agree with you that war is terrible and many thousands of people have died as a result. I hope you agree that from March of 2003 until now there have been approximately 5 million babies aborted in the US. Since both reflect human sin in very graphic ways, the question of "which breaks my heart more" is essentially a quantitative question. Thousands versus millions. Thousands of victims (war issue) makes me very sad. Millions of victims (abortion issue) makes me extremely sad. Don't believe the hype (here's the tie-in to media biases)... the numbers don't lie and we need a proportional response if we are to remain rational citizens.
Bush/Obama/McCain/Oprah/Brangelina can send me as many stimulus checks, free programs, mortgage relief, and new cars as they want. I'll send it all back if someone will just stop killing the kids.
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